Who Won’t Let The Dogs In?

Who Let The Dogs In?

It occurred to me very quickly, marketing a listing in a building that doesn’t allow dogs, that something had shifted in the market.  At a time when nearly everyone I know was buying pandemic puppies, these cooperatives that did not allow dogs were not connected to what people need today.

I remember a time when dogs were being interviewed, weighed, when their pedigree and a letter from a dog trainer were part of some coop board packages.  Today?  Don’t we just want to let our dogs in?


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I hate to say it, but if your building isn’t letting the dogs in, it may be affecting the size of your buyer pool- somewhat drastically.  There are a few items, which I’ll write about in a different post, about certain segments of the market that are impacted right now from changes due to COVID.  One for sure has happened due to the proliferation of pooches!!

Enjoy your dogs, let them in and out, and if you’re an owner in a building that doesn’t allow our canine friends- let’s think about how we can be more inclusive of our four-legged friends.  It’s time to reconsider all draconian building rules, right now!


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