A welcome to you from your summer vacations and adventures.
Today, more than ever, my clients and customers want advice and information about the “market.”
There is just so much to process affecting our Manhattan Real Estate market, especially as the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac takeovers are in process!
And while I am passionate about design and architecture and am absolutely current on the trends in the marketplace, my expertise and strengths lie in the practical applications of these passions- That is, I genuinely desire to keep you informed and help you accomplish your Real Estate dreams in the most practical way possible, be it renovating, financing, the all-important search for your home.
And so, in that spirit, I present to you my revamped newsletter as “Apartment Practical.” Dictionary.com defines practical as “adapted or designed for actual use.”
A second definition, a synonym, judicious, “implies the possession and use of discreet judgment, discrimination, and balance.”
Without further ado, I present here some bite-size chunks of information as September’s Apartment Practical.