Do These 5 Things To Win In Today’s Residential Market:
When things are BANANAS in today’s market, wouldn’t it be nice to have an all-weather strategy? Here are five things that you can do regardless of mortgage rate, inventory, pricing levels, the stock market, unemployment, inflation, war, or whatever is worrying you….
Number One: Slow Down To Speed Up
This is as easy as being completely focused for 30 minutes with me and my team. We will ask you everything we need to know, and tell you what you need to know. Through our process of Visionary Brokerage, we will LISTEN, UNDERSTAND, and get to know you and what you would love. We will have the INSIGHT and be able to create a VISION to move efficiently find a perfect home.
We have seen this work time and time again. You are busy, and time is money! We get it! Our latest executive client met with us and his spouse, and within one month, we had locked down exactly what they wanted. The critical piece is laying the proper foundation before you start.
Number Two: Less is MUCH MORE
Limit Your Search Parameters! People think that casting a wide, wide net is sensible. But instead, flip the script! Only look in a very specific area- EXACTLY where you would be. The more you fine tune EXACTLY what you would want, the more easily we can find what you want. Ultimately, we will expand your search and may even land something in a different neighborhood. We had a recent client who told me he wanted to be in a condo in Lincoln Center; he ended up buying a coop in Midtown East! But the most important thing is that in telling us, in GREAT DETAIL, what he wanted, we could find the space he did not realize he would love!
Number Three: Make Lots of Offers
Okay. I know this one will melt people’s brains. But make lots of offers, even if you’re not sure about the apartment. If you want one trick to speed up your search, this is it. NOW- This doesn’t work in other markets, where offers are binding. Here in New York, that’s not the case!!!! It might irritate brokers on the other side, or get sellers giddy, but everyone will get over it.
Make those offers!! As soon as you get a response, see how you feel. How does you react when they give you their counteroffer? If you actually like the property, you’ll know- I promise. If you shrug your shoulders, then you know it’s not the one. Want to learn more- we will talk a lot more about this. There is huge power in trusting your gut.
Number Four: Assume The Best in People (and Let us Prepare for the Worst)
You have a choice. You can either expect the best in people, or you can expect the worst. In real estate, like in most places, people will rise to the level of your expectations. I have found that a boy scout’s attitude- with a twist- positions you best for a quick win in real estate. Assume that every person you cross paths with in your real estate wants you to find your dream home. I know- doesn’t it sound hokey?
But it’s true. The other way is much less fun- and less productive. Do you believe that every agent is out to screw you? Doesn’t that just fill you with anxiety, dread, and negativity? How does that help you focus on what you like? (hint, it doesn’t)
I have had buyers looking over their shoulder at every turn. They turned their search into a months-long slog. At the end, they made themselves completely miserable. I’ve had other buyers get so mistrustful that they alienated the sellers- who cancelled an AMAZING townhouse deal and sold it to someone else. When you doubt good intentions, you can lose big. And we’re here to help you win.
Sure- Behind the scenes, we work with a lot of real estate semi-professionals. Meaning that not everyone is equipped to get a deal across the finish line- but we are! And you don’t have to worry about that if you work with us.
Ronald Reagan borrowed this from the Russians: Trust, but verify. That’s what we’re doing. We expect the best in our counterparts- and you should do the same.
I think about this conversation in Pulp Fiction all the time. (NSFW WARNING!) I’m Marsellus Wallace, and my clients are Samuel L. Jackson- They are freaking out, and I’m here to tell them that everything is going on (with much less colorful language). We’re also Mr. Wolf, but the cleanup is a lot less bloody. That’s about as far as we need to take the metaphor.
The important takeaway- you have to know that we have your back. And just stay focused on what’s important to you. Nailing down that super-groovy new place!
Number Five: Expect Miracles
Ok, it wouldn’t be a post by me unless I bring in a little woo-woo to the party. Would it hurt a little to take your assumptions one step further? Putting deals together in New York City sometimes feels like a Herculean task. But more often, things happen that I simply cannot explain. Coop approvals happen just in time for lease ends. Department of Buildings signoffs happen just in time for mortgage rate locks to stay alive. Sellers accept offers $50-100k below our expectations. I can only tell you that when we work with people, miracles happen all the time.
Wouldn’t that feel like a win??
Be in touch- we can talk more about how to win in this market- or any other part of the market cycle. -Scott